
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm a total geek

Warning: This is far cry from my normal type of post, so I sincerely apologize to my readers.  You have my full permission to skip reading this post.  I will resume my home bloging tomorrow.

I don't share this side of myself very often, but I am a total geek.  My hubby and I love Dr Who.  Several months ago, I came across this photo on pintrest:

I just about died.  I thought it was the most AWESOME idea ever.  So for the last several months I have had this idea of Max being The Doctor for halloween swimming around my head.  Then shortly there after I saw this pin, and it pretty much sealed the deal

Well since baby girl will be in the stroller for the evening, we figured she/the stroller can be the TARDIS, and little man can be The Doctor.

However, the fun doesn't stop there... I am going to have hubby and I join the fun by being The Doctor's current companions Rory and Amy.

I think we are going to try and go for the look in these two episodes, which hopefully will mean something like this:

 Except we are going to keep Rory in his Roman costume, so something like this for him

After tons of googling, I think I am going to go for something like this for me, probly closer to the bottom right look.

So that is what our family is planning to do for Halloween this year.  I am DYING to get going as I know it will take me awhile to find all the pieces to create these outfits, so I'm officially on the hunt because Halloween will be around the corner before we know it!




  1. 2 things: first, love this blog. Second why did I not hear about it til now? Love and miss you.

    1. Apologies friend! I did post about it on facebook awhile back, but apparently many missed it. Glad you like it. Miss you too! Can't wait until you are state side again!

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