
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Creating Memories: Traditions

Welcome to my 31 Days to Create Purpose in your home!  During the month of October, I am posting every day about creating purpose in your home and joining all of these bloggers who are also posting for 31 days on a topic of their choice.  I would love for you to follow me, and check out all of the other posts in the series and the introduction to it here.

Trrraaaaaaditions.... Traditions!
Sorry, I had to.  I can't say the word "Tradition" with out singing it in my head.
A big part of families is creating memories.  I have tons of many wonderful childhood memories and traditions that where a huge part of my life growing up.  This is something that we want to pass down to our kids, a rich heritage of family traditions.  Here are some types you can easily create.

1. Create Daily Traditions

In our house, we have our bedtime routines.  After we get ready for bed the little man and I cuddle in bed.  He gets two books, then bed time prayers and then it's lights out.  He knows what to expect and it is a special time with just him and me each night.  I love this time, sometimes we sing a bit before reading if he is in bed early enough, and I hope that later we will be able to talk more about the day that we had.  I love it, and I hope that he does too!

2. Create weekly Traditions

For some this may be pancakes on saturday's or friday night pizza or even a movie night.  Find something weekly you can do that is easy and fun for your kids.  Growing up, saturday morning = doughnuts.  Sometimes we would ride our bikes down to the shop, other times my dad would pick them up and we got to eat on the floor in the living room and watch

3. Create annual and holiday traditions

Seasons and holiday's lend themselves to easy traditions and fun.  It's just as easy there are so many things to do that are season specific.  For example you can pick out your Christmas tree and then decorate it while drinking hot chocolate and listening to Christmas music.  Just do  little something to make it special each year.  When we were growing up we got to eat off of a special plate on our birthday.  It was a big deal when we were kids and we loved it.  See it below.

It doesn't have to be expensive, it doesn't have to be a big extravagant thing.  Just little things that make life special can create great memories for your kids.



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