
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 20: Functional (Organized)

Welcome to my 31 Days to Create Purpose in your home!  During the month of October, I am posting every day about creating purpose in your home and joining all of these bloggers who are also posting for 31 days on a topic of their choice.  I would love for you to follow me, and check out all of the other posts in the series and the introduction to it here.
I absolutely hate digging for things that I need, and use on a somewhat frequent basis.  I love having flow and placing things where they make sense for me, and my family.  Organizing your home so that it is functional and efficient is essential to your home.  All homes have at least some form of organization.  Most of us don't keep our dishes in the bathroom, our towels out side and food under the bed.  Making space for things where you use them the most will help you be more efficient and keep things picked up more.  When you start to organize an area to make it more functional, here are some steps to take

1. Determine a flow and function

How do you want the area to function.  What do you want it to do?  What is the best flow?  For example.  I have a hot beverage cabinet.  It is directly above my coffee maker.  In it is my coffee, filters, mugs, travel mugs and tea.  It has a great flow, as everything I need to make myself a hot morning beverage is all in one spot.

2. Sort and Purge

Once you have determined a flow, sort what you have in stock to see what you need.  Get rid of the excess.  When I purged my beverage station, I got rid of a ton of random mugs I have collected over the years that had no meaning or sentimental value to me.  The less stuff you have, the easier it is to organize it and keep it that way.

3.Organize and Label

Once you have sorted and purged the things you need, organize them and then label where they go.  The labels will help others in your family to keep things in the right place, and you will always know where things belong.

Making your home organized so that it is functional is essential for a home running smoothly and will help stop the digging for something you need.  Why are there no pictures of my own organized home you ask?  Well because I am still in process too, well that and my computer hard drive is out of memory and I can't post pictures until I can purchase a new external hard drive.  What space do you need to organize to make more functional for your family?



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