
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is a Home?

Welcome to my 31 Days to Create Purpose in your home!  During the month of October, I am posting every day about creating purpose in your home and joining all of these bloggers who are also posting for 31 days on a topic of their choice.  I would love for you to follow me, and check out all of the other posts in the series and the introduction to it here.

Today is the second key definition for my series.  This one word home, means so many different things to so many people.  There are famous sayings about it such as, "Home is where the heart is" and so many songs like, "Home" by Dirks Bentley.  It is a physical space, yet there is so much more to it than just that.  It is an idea, a concept a sacred space.  It involves people you love, things you own and sometimes walls you can't stand.  Again to quote the dictionary, however, I'm only picking and choosing the definitions that are most relevant to this particular series.


  [hohm]  Show IPA noun, adjective, adverb,verb, homed, hom·ing.
a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usualresidence of a person, family, or household.
the place in which one's domestic affections are centered.

any place of residence or refuge: a heavenly home.

(in games) the destination or goal.

a principal base of operations or activities: The new stadium will be the home of the local football team.

deep; to the heart: The truth of the accusation struck home.

to the mark or point aimed at: He drove the point home.

The over all impression I get from the many definitions and uses of the word home is that it is a destination, a refuge, the center of our lives.  Our home is our own corner of the world to do what we like with it.  It is where we sleep and wake up, it is where we prepare our meals, and raise our children. It very much is the heart of what we do as a family, which is why it is some important to create purpose in it.  Creating purpose in our home doesn't just encompass the physical space, (although that is part of it), it also includes the people, especially the homemaker (however challenged she may be), and the things that happen in the space called home.  No matter how big or small, grand or plain, dirty or clean, you can create purpose in this thing called home.  We continue tomorrow with the first step in creating purpose for your home.




  1. This has really been impressed on me lately! I know our house isn't our forever home, but it's our home for now and I want to make it as cozy and pleasant as possible. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. I completely understand what you are saying. Stay tuned for some steps to move it that direction! :)

  2. Wow! I love you and your husband's Disney background! That's so fun! It's always nice to find people who love it like we do. :)
