
Friday, January 18, 2013

And here we go...

Potty Training.


Just those two words can send a shiver down any mom's spine.  It is exciting because it means less diapers, but it is also scary, because there are an overwhelming number of tips, and tricks to try and do this thing.  Goggle it.  Everyone seems to agree that there are signs for readiness but the methods very so greatly, it is ridiculous.

Use rewards

Don't use rewards

Don't use food

Use candy

Just let the go naked

Put them in underwear right way

Put potty's all over your home

Put them on the potty every 15 minutes

I really could go on, but what is the point.  There is too much advice to handle.

We have been taking the "fun" "non-serious" route.  For the last several weeks, my two year old has been happily sitting on his potty, and asking to go potty.  For months he has been telling us he was wet or pooppy.  We bought him some big boy undies awhile ago.  A few weeks ago, we tried to get him to go potty and wear them.  Even with putting him on the potty every 15 minutes he went through 3 pairs in an hour.  I stopped pushing.  Just had fun with it.  Going potty every once in awhile, and trying, but nothing ever happened.  However I did manage to convince my husband that he was READY to potty train.  Yesterday he sat on the potty wanting to go so bad.  Seriously this kid sat on the potty for like 30-45 minutes.  Nothing happened, but he really wanted to!  I told Matt that as soon as he does his business on the potty, he will have it figured out, and we will need to be ready to take training seriously.

Then it happened.  Today we didn't really try much, we went to the local zoo and taking him potty was the last thing on my mind.  By the time we got home it was a whirlwind of lunch and naps.  Then we figured out that we had a great coupon for that was only good for today.  Plus we had a gift card to that restaurant from Christmas.  Our printer was out of ink, so we swung by my parent's house to print it off on our way.  While we were planning on taking the kids, they ended up staying (we had a night out with out the kids!!!)  When we returned Max had apparently "tried" a few times on his own.  He wanted to try again...

I took him expecting him to sit for 5 seconds play with toilet paper and flush (what a typical "trying" looks like.  However, he sat and peed on the potty for the very 1st time.  He got it. *cue the hallelujah chorus* I mean he really got it!  It helped that there were lots of people to reinforce him for the 1st time (mommy, daddy, baby sister, as well as, my parents, grandparents and cousin).
Then he did his typical "trying" two more times at grandma & grandpa's before I convinced him we could try again at home before bed.  When we sat on the potty before bed, he peed AGAIN!  He totally gets it, and starting tomorrow will be in  big boy underwear.  I'm a little nervous, but totally excited because he is ready to be a big boy, and this mommy is ready to not have to do as many diaper washings per week!

I'm not going to lie, this kid lives for 1 thing.  Candy (M&M's to be specific).  So yes, we are going to be using the reward system with potty training.  I'm not saying it's the only way, or that it is even the right way, I just think that it will work for my son.  I'm excited for this new adventure, because he is totally ready.  Hubby and I just need to help him get there.

Wish us luck this week, while we don't want to push, we want to encourage and guide.  We fully feel that he is ready, we are just hoping that we are and that we don't go crazy in this new phase of spending half our days on the potty with him.



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