
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Daily Grace

One of my habits that I am working on this year for my Project 13 is daily grace.  Grace is a word that happens to be popping up all over my life right now.  My Mom's group just started reading this book called Graced Based Parenting.  I'm excited to read it, but it was also one more affirmation that I need to focus on Grace.

One of my favorite passages on Grace is Romans 5 & 6.  It is far to long to post here, but it is worth the read.  The bottom line is we are all sinners in need of grace.  EVERY SINGLE ONE of us.  There is not one who has not messed up at some point and time, for most of us it is daily, if not hourly that we mess up.  Yet we are under the amazing grace of God.

Because of this amazing grace, I need to give myself grace, and not beat myself up so much.  I also need to give grace to every person I encounter.  How much more should I extend the same grace that has been given to me, to my husband, my children  and those closest to me.

How often do we judge others, hold things against them and overreact to things?  How much better would it be to acknowledge that we are all broken and have grace be given.  I am not in any way saying that we can use this grace as an excuse to do whatever we want by any means.  (Check out Romans 6:1-2)  I am saying that if everyone gave a bit more grace, specifically in our own homes, how much better, happier and loving would that home be?

I know that I need to do better on this in my own home.  Which is why it is one of the habits I am working on this year.  Won't you join me in being better at giving grace to those around you?



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