
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Big Clean Out Project: Big Lower Cabinet

The Big Clean Out Project, is an ongoing project where we tackle four spaces (however large or small) and clean, sort, organize, rearrange or change for the betterment of our home!  You can read all about it in my first post here.  Join us and baby step by baby step, our homes will become better, and we will be less Homemaking Challenged! Here is my 1st project for the month of August!

I am so excited!  There has been this cabinet in my home that has been driving me CRAZY.  Part of the reason it drives me crazy, is because if someone *cough-husband-cough* leaves it open slightly... and then the kids get into it and it just gets a bit crazy.

As you can see... DISASTER!  However I did have some cute help cleaning it out so I could organize. Please ignore the inside out undies.  He is a "big boy" and has to dress himself these days.

The final project has me a very happy camper.  I have been very careful to make sure these doors are ALL the way shut now, so it can stay so nice and pretty!  I even have extra space to boot!

So excited that I finally tacked this project this month.  1 down 3 to go, 16 days left!

I'm feeling good.

What small projects will you tackle this month for the betterment of your home?  Join us and pick a few, every small step forward is progress!  Even if it is in a cabinet no one else will see.

Linking up this project - Here!

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