
Monday, September 30, 2013

Choosing Life For My Home: A Journey through 31 Days to Clean

I don't know if you know this, but I am Homemaking Challenged (it isn't just the name of this blog).  I am growing and learning and getting better, but it is still a huge challenge for me.  I want to learn and grow!  Which is why, I am so excited to take this 31 day blogging challenge with The Nester!  Earlier this week, I invited you to join me on my journey as I go through Sarah Mae's book, 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way.  Each day during this month, this blog will be a journal of me working through this book.  The way it is written, there are two challenges each day.  A Mary (heart) challenge and a Martha (task oriented) challenge.  I am going to document my journey through this book during the month October here.

I'm so excited to take this journey, it is where I am right now.  I am also nervous as I have no clue where this journey will lead or what things I may discover along the way.  Did you see the button for this challenge?  Ya, that is exactly how I feel about cleaning and the home right now.  It is an ever growing mountain that feels like every time I get to where I feel like it is getting under control, another landslide happens, and I see just how much further I have to go.  Have you ever felt like that.  I mean comics like these make fun of it...
I am totally there, in my life right now.  I love my kids, but I can't seem to get this all figured out.  How to balance work, family, life.  I know that things around my home need to function better, and my home  needs to be a place where I can actually feel relaxed.  However I want to make it work, so I am taking this opportunity to spend the next 31 days working through this book, which I feel will help me on this journey.

I'd love for you to join me on this journey.  The e-book is only $4.99 and you can get it as a PDF or on Amazon for your Kindle.

Check back here for links to my daily posts as I work through this book.

Please note that the links will not be "live" until the day they are posted (Day 1 is "live" on the 1st etc)
Day 1: Why Do I Want Clean?
Day 2: Giving Life
Day 3: Give Life to Your Home
Day 4: Putting My Feet Up
Day 5: Priorities 
Day 6: The List
Day 7: The Curse
Day 8: Overcoming 
Day 9: Laziness
Day 10: Feeling Overwhelmed
Day 11: Limitations
Day 12: My Imperfection
Day 13: Fighting Fatigue
Day 14: The Secret to Having Energy
Day 15: Finding Motivation
Day 16: Willing Hands
Day 17: My Cleaning Style
Day 18: missed
Day 19: Joy and Self-disipline?
Day 20: Time
Day 21: The Importance of a Plan
Day 22: Scheduling
Day 23: Dealing with Distractions
Day 24: Organization
Day 25: Highs and Lows
Day 26: Laundry
Day 27: Becoming Friends with Goodwill
Day 28: Who are You Trying to Please?
Day 29: Hiring Help?
Day 30: Contentment in the Season of Your Life
Day 31: Finding Balance

All titles are directly from, or based on the titles of each day of the book 31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae, which this whole series is based on with author permission.


  1. Ha, love your badge and the cartoon! That's exactly me too. Will be reading along :)

  2. Thanks Clare! I wasn't going to do an image in my badge, but the second I saw that one, I identified with it way too much to not include it. I hope that you enjoy the series, thanks for joining me!
