
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2: Giving Life

For the month of October, I am joining TONS of other bloggers by linking up with The Nester for 31 day blogging challenge where we post about one topic each day for the whole month.  After lots of consideration, I have chosen to take a journey through this book31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, by Sarah Mae.  Check out more information about the book from my 1st post here, and see my intro post with the links to the entire series here.

"All women are life-givers; God made us that way." page 8 of 31 Days to Clean

This one hit me.  It is so true that as a women we are made to give life.  It made me think of when I gave birth to my sweet baby girl.  I really think that is why I am so frustrated with my home.  It has little life, and practically no beauty.  My frustration stems from this innate desire to bring life and beauty to my home.  It is something my (VERY male) husband just doesn't understand.

"At its core, life-giving is all about love – loving others with what God has given us." page 8 of 31 Days to Clean

I so want my home to be a place where I can love on others.  Love on my husband, my precious babies, people, church members, etc.  I am choosing to love my family by keeping my home.  Today I am going to choose to love and encourage my husband.  I give him life by sharing love with him, all day long.  I will encourage him, and not say ANY negative things to him all day long.  I am also going to encourage my kids.  What better way to give life to my home, than encouraging those who live here?

My Martha challenge is cleaning the inside of my fridge... watch out, I'm going in...



It looks much better!  Excited to get cracking on these challenges to whip my home into shape!  I am apologizing ahead of time, as I will not be editing these photo's much.  I will be posting proof of my challenges though and I figure picture proof (even if unedited) is better than nothing.

Excited to see what challenges await me tomorrow!