
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 20: Time

For the month of October, I am joining over a thousand other bloggers by linking up with The Nester for 31 day blogging challenge where we post about one topic each day for the whole month.  After lots of consideration, I have chosen to take a journey through this book31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, by Sarah Mae.  Check out more information about the book from my 1st post here, and see my intro post with the links to the entire series here.

How do you spend your time?

No, really.  How do you actually spend it?  Not how you think you spend it, but what do you actually do with the time you have.  What are your time sucks?  Is it facebooks, blogs, games on your phone, too much TV?  Pick your poison.  I have all of those listed above.  If I truly wanted to make time for more, I could.  I just need to stop the time suckers.  What is your time suck?  How much time do you waste on it?

Spend some honest time evaluating your time.  I did, and I was surprised at how much time I could make through getting rid of some things that aren't needed.  My time does not reflect my priorities as I wish it would.  I am working on changing that, on setting a better example for my kids.  I'm working to put first things first in my life.  I'm trying to let God show me how to better use my time.  I have so many things that I want to do, and the way I want to spend my time, well, I have plans about that.  However, I know that I need to let God choose the way I should be spending my time.  I did try to do a series on time management awhile go, you can read it here and here.  However I am still in the learning process of this one and this goes back to my self-disciple issues, but I am learning.  What do you to to take control of your time?  How do you spend it?  What do you do to help control it? 

Martha Challenge:
Bathroom mirrors take bad pictures - sorry.

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