
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 22: Scheduling

For the month of October, I am joining over a thousand other bloggers by linking up with The Nester for 31 day blogging challenge where we post about one topic each day for the whole month.  After lots of consideration, I have chosen to take a journey through this book31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, by Sarah Mae.  Check out more information about the book from my 1st post here, and see my intro post with the links to the entire series here.

I love writing things down, and make plans for my day.  I am not the greatest at actually following them.  Honestly, if I did my life would be so much better!  I made this awesome cleaning/housework schedule to help our family stay on top of things.  Any guesses as to how well it actually gets followed?  I have been diligently working the last few weeks about making sure that my priorities come first.  We, as a family, have had the TV on less.  I get up before the kids (mostly-ish) and spend some quality time with them in the mornings.  It is nice when I beat them up, because I can get things done and then we still have time to play before we have to get out the door.  Why earlier this week we spent a good 20 minutes playing outside (its still getting to the 90's here - be jealous) before work/daycare and the kids had a ball.  If I actually followed my schedule, things like this could happen more often and I would be so much less stressed, and our home would have so much more life.

What would happen if you made and stuck to a schedule???

Martha Challenge:

My cleaning schedule:

It is in plastic on our fridge so we can use a wet/dry erase marker to check things off.  Obviously the daily stuff gets checked every day (ideally that is).  The day of the week stuff can be flexible, but the goal is that I don't spend my entire weekend cleaning, with no time off.  Other than a load of laundry, Saturday and Sunday have no weekly tasks scheduled so that I can be flexible.  

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