
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 27: Becoming Friends with Goodwill

For the month of October, I am joining over a thousand other bloggers by linking up with The Nester for 31 day blogging challenge where we post about one topic each day for the whole month.  After lots of consideration, I have chosen to take a journey through this book31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, by Sarah Mae.  Check out more information about the book from my 1st post here, and see my intro post with the links to the entire series here.

"The reduction of clutter: bliss." - page 63 of 31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae

Does it not make sense that if we have fewer things, we have less to clean/organize?  They are just things.  We will not take them with us when we die, so why do we cling to them so?  Purging will feel so good.  So, so good.  We are actually planing to have a garage sale, (we also need then money) so we are boxing thing up and putting them aside for our big sale.  Let me tell you there are boxes, and boxes, and I still have tons more to go through!  What could you get rid of?  What haven't you used in the last 6 months?  I'm not saying to get rid of your china that you use for special occasions (unless you really don't have the room/need) but give your items an honest evaluation and donate what you don't need/use.

Martha Challenge:
Here is just one of my "going" boxes.  They are baby things mostly, because my babies are no longer babies.

1 comment:

  1. I looove purging! I used to hold onto my stuff so tightly until God allowed me to lose it all. Now He's teaching me to accept His good gifts but to hold them loosely.

    Also, can I tell you that I'm super impressed you're actually blogging everyday! I'm doing 31 days, too, but doing it daily has been so hard for me. I realized I'm better with 3-4 times a week, so I cut back. But you're rocking it!
