
Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I would say that overall in the last year, my homemaking skills have improved.  I say this with the dishes from last night still littering the kitchen, (and breakfast dishes still on the table) because overall, it is true.  Noticeable improvements have been made, things have been drastically decluttered.  However it is still something I struggle with every day.

Homemaking never stops, as long as you have a home to make.  Even when you are firing on all cylinders desperately trying to get everything done.  Crossing off all of the things on your to-do list seems impossible, and all you want to do is rest.  Even if you choose to sit and "take a break" for a few minutes, you don't get to enjoy it because your head is simply going through the unending list in your head of things you "should" be doing, instead of resting.

I know that this sounds crazy, but I think I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that, in this stage of life, it will never be done and it is ok.  Our home, may be slightly cluttered, and littered with toys, laundry and dishes, but it is evidence of the life being lived in that home.  It does NOT qualify us to be on an episode of Hoarders.  It is simply life being lived.

I constantly see fun plaques and quotes around pinterest, that make me feel like I'm not alone in this.  Here are a few of my favorites:

You can see my whole homemaking quote board here, it will keep growing I'm sure!

I hope that some of you ladies can understand the business that comes with running a home, having a 3 year old a 21 month old, working 40+ hours per week and trying to get it all done.

That is honestly where I am right now.  I also now FINALLY have a computer.  I am so excited!  It means I can now return to blogging more regularly and I don't have to worry about my entire posts, and photo's that I am editing vanishing when my computer magically turns off!

I do have a question for you all.  What type of posts would you like to see more of?

What type of posts would you like to see more of? free polls 
Thanks for your feedback!  It will greatly help as I move forward with this blog.

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