
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Org Junkie’s 29 Day Organizing Challenge: Update

So this month I am completing a challenge, you can see more details about the my start here (please don't judge the before pictures to harshly), and my lack of progress here.

This is a REAL progress report.  I am actually really excited to share, because there has been PROGRESS!  I actually recruited my hubby to help clean out his dresser, to make more room for some of the stuff that was just lying around.  The results, while incomplete leave me excited to finish this project.  Here is a quick reminder of one corner of the before.

The process was messy, as I had my hubby literally empty his entire dresser onto our bed as we sorted and purged.

There were some interesting discoveries, such as this Texas shirt:
 When my hubby and I first started dating, I went to visit my high school friend who was attending UT.  This was 6 years ago come April, and being the good girlfriend, I returned to my boyfriend with a gift, the UT shirt.  As you can see, the tags are still attached.  This shirt has been sitting in his dresser, been through 3 moves and NEVER BEEN WORN.  We had a good laugh, and placed it in the purge pile.  We also found some fun memories, that I snapped a picture of, and placed in the purge pile.  The shirt below was one that we had in college, good times, good memories.

The purge plie continued to grow on our couch, which made me one happy lady!

And my "corner of shame" as I have called it, began to shrink...

 and shrink some more...

I am so excited about this progress.  I was feeling so far behind because of my son having pneumonia last week, but I am not feeling like we are right back on track.  We still have a HUGE ways to go, but we have made a big dent, and that brings a smile to my face.  We are reclaiming our bedroom from clutter!!!

For those of you doing the challenge, stick with it!  It is totally worth it!  Also, feel free to follow my blog and let me know that you are.




  1. Oh, the corner of shame. I have one of those in my bedroom, too! Great job purging so much clutter. I hope your son is feeling better!

    1. Thanks Heather. My son is feeling much better this week. This challenge has been just the motivation I needed to get my butt in gear and get rid of stuff.

  2. Good job! Bare spots are motivating, that's for sure.

  3. I just have to say I LOVE THE NAME OF YOUR BLOG!! It's me in a nutshell! Good progress!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I think there are many of us who feel that the title of this blog is them. At least that's what I hope, because otherwise, it means I'm the crazy one sharing all of my lack of homemaking skills to the world. I know that isn't the case, but sometimes that is how I feel. Hope you come back and check out my blog some more, it is always nice to have readers who are right there with you. :)

  4. Great progress!!! Can't wait to see it the 29th.
