
Monday, September 24, 2012

Menu Monday

This week we are planing on making...

BBQ pulled pork
Mac and Cheese
Crock pot potato soup
Hamberber helper
Pasta with Alfredo

Loving my crock pot and quick fix meals on this crazy busy week!  Hope you have a great week!  I'd love to know what you are cooking up this week!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. I am a new follower of yours.

    You sound a lot like me.

    Like I mentioned in that post, I have found out that I have a melancholy personality...maybe you have it too. I'm purposefully learning about different personality types (especially mine and my hubby's - he's choleric). Yesterday, I learned that melancholy people are always worried about what they are doing.

    For example, I'm constantly wondering WHY I can't work on a schedule. I'm always trying to improve myself, which isn't a bad thing, but I harbor on the bad things I want changed about me. We're deep people who are always thinking.

    I'm really starting to learn the importance of knowing your personality type because then you can learn what the weaknesses are of that personality and can work with God to change them.

    God bless!
