
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 2 of 52 Weeks To Become Less Homemaking Challenged

Each Saturday this year, I will be posting a weekly habit.  During my 31 day's series, I talked about a lot of theoretical and how to create purpose in your home.  It was about you figuring things out, making goals, and knowing why you are doing the work, now it is time to put them into action.  Each week I will add one new habit to help you become less homemaking challenged.  The objective of this?  By the end of the year, for us to have applied several of these habits in our daily/weekly routine and be less homemaking challenged by the end of the year!

#2: An "I Can Do It" List

It is so easy to see a long list of tasks and feel super overwhelmed by it.  The TO-DO'S in a busy home never stop.  So what if we rethink how we go about making our list?  What if we actually made it possible to do it all?  Here are some tips to making your list a "can do list"!

1. Write it down.  I'm serious, no more mental lists, you will forget something, just write it down!
2. Keep it short.  This isn't an EVERYTHING that needs to get done in history list, it is just things to do today.  Create a separate long term list.
3. Star ONE TASK as the most important.  Know that if time runs short, that is the one you focus on and need to finish.
4. Number them in order.  Sometimes the floors may be the most important thing to do, BUT we all know you should do counters/dust before floors.  Number those things that must be done in order, it helps.
5. Reward yourself.  If there is a particular task you HATE doing, then reward yourself when you complete it.  Seriously, you hate scrubbing out the oven?  Then spend 30min with your feet up watching your favorite sitcom!  Complete your entire list?  Celebrate with a private dance party!  Seriously it works!

Even just calling your list an I Can Do It list, will help to motivate you and put you in a better frame of mind for your daily tasks.  Remember, that YOU CAN DO IT!  So stop reading my blog, and make your list today, do it and reward yourself.



Miss a week?  Here are the past 52 Weeks to Become Less Homemaking Challenged, so far click here to see a full list.

1 comment:

  1. I love this series and this tip is great! When I'm keeping up with the mess in my home and the kitchen is always clean I feel great! :)
