
Monday, February 13, 2012

Wow what a crazy month!

I'm back (sorta) blogging world.  My poor 14 month old son woke up from his morning nap on 2/5 with 102.8 degree fever.  The poor kid was miserable, then the coughing started.  By Sunday morning we took him to the ER only to discover that he had RSV and pneumonia.  The didn't keep him, but gave him a shoot of antibiotics and a prescription for oral ones and told us to follow up with our Pediatrician on Monday.  I have to say that I LOVE his doctor.  She saw him EVERY day this last week with the goal being keeping him out of the hospital.  5 shots and 5 days later, his fever finally broke, and you wouldn't even know the kid was sick  I am so thankful that he is better because this week basically did not exist in my world.  Not to mention I had a HUGE presentation/training I ran yesterday, that I had to plan/prep for while he was sick. It was an absolutely crazy week, so now, I have come up for air I can't believe this month is nearly half over.

Lets do a mid-way month check on my 3 goals for this month:

#1 Cook 6 meals from scratch for my family
 Umm ya, 0/6 done so far.  We have been using our typical freezer and box meals this month and been eating out far to much. YIKES!

#2 Complete one creative project
I was going to make this cute book for my hubby for V-day, but seeing as how that is tomorrow and I have yet to start, I think I will need to come up with another plan.  YIKES!

#3 Re-organize/de-cluter one space in my home (see this challenge)
My master bedroom de-clutter has yet to start. I am in SOOOO over my head on this one, basically I have 12 days to de-clutter and 3 to decorate.  YIKES!

So lets see if I can make what at first seemed like 3 simple goals happen in the next two weeks.  I hope that your month is going better than mine.


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