
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 7 of 52 Weeks To Become Less Homemaking Challenged

Each Saturday this year, I will be posting a weekly habit.  During my 31 day's series, I talked about a lot of theoretical and how to create purpose in your home.  It was about you figuring things out, making goals, and knowing why you are doing the work, now it is time to put them into action.  Each week I will add one new habit to help you become less homemaking challenged.  The objective of this?  By the end of the year, for us to have applied several of these habits in our daily/weekly routine and be less homemaking challenged by the end of the year!

#7 Ask for help

Seeking out others how have been there, have the professional know how, and experiance can be a huge factor in your personal success at home.  No matter how long you have been doing something, there is always someone else who has ideas about how to make it better.  Honestly I think this is my favorite thing about home blogs and pintrest.  There are SOOO many AMAZING ideas.  Some of them I smack myself in the head saying how did I not think of doing that!  Others, I think wow I could have never thought of that, or that is so cool, but I could never do it in million zillion years.  I think the best thing we can do is seek out others who have experience and know how.  It will save us lots of work in the end.  I am by no means saying that I am this person, or that I have it all together.  Trust me, if you could see my house right now, you would say, this chick has no right to be writing a homemaking blog.  However, that is why it is called homemaking challenged, I am challenged in this area, and am seeking to be better.  Asking others for help, is always key, I will be sharing a story about the importance of asking for help later on this week in my blog.



Miss a week?  Here are the past 52 Weeks to Become Less Homemaking Challenged, so far clickhere to see a full list.
Week #1
Week #2
Week #3
Week #4
Week #5
Week #6
Week #7

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